Meet The Animals

We currently have a flock of around 600 laying birds which is ever expanding! We keep a mixture of modern hybrid and traditional breeds.  All of our chickens lead a free range life, enjoying fresh grass, dirt to scratch around in, and spacious houses to take shelter in.

We have a breeding flock of Ebden and Toulose geese.  They are very comical birds, but need a large amount of grazing.  They lay well, and we had a waiting list of over 3 weeks for goose eggs.  The gander gets very protective of the girls when they are laying, meaning it is like running the gauntlet when collecting the eggs every day!!

We have approx. 50 laying ducks.  They are a mixed group of Indian Runners, Cherry Valley, Pekin and Aylesbury and roam the farm to their hearts content.



We only keep British rare breed pigs.  We are currently building the Llainlehcar herd of pedigree Gloustershire Old Spots pigs.  Our boar, Maximus, shares the grass paddocks with Blossom, Agnes, Anya, Beryl and Betsy as well as our Tamworth sows Mamma, Salt, Pepper and Spot.

The meat from a pedigree Gloucestershire Old Spots is something very special.  Whether as pork, or bacon, or gammons, or sausages, or pies, genuine GOS pork is flavoursome, succulent and delicious.

We normally have weaners and growing stock available, and by arrangement we can provide registered breeding stock.

We have regular pork sales – sign up to the mailing list to be kept up to date with how to buy our quality meat.


We keep a small herd of pedigree Dexter Cattle, with the prefix “The Costow Herd”, We are registered with and active members of the Dexter Cattle Society.
The success of the Dexter over the last 25 – 30 years is quite outstanding. The breed’s ability to adapt to varying and extreme climatic conditions and to different systems of management is a typical characteristic. They have established themselves well in many parts of the world. Animals have been exported to Australia, New Zealand, Cuba, Argentina, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Italy, Belgium, Denmark and Germany. Several of these countries have their own breed societies, which only goes to show how well the breed has become established worldwide.
Pedigree Dexter beef, which comes in smaller family sized joints and cuts, cooks superbly because of the excellent marbling and eats like a dream. Delicious Pedigree Dexter Beef is a outstanding quality product and tastes as beef used to taste. Dexter beef appears regularly on TV cooking programmes, is available across the country, is the best beef around yet is still little known.



We specialise in the local Wiltshire Horn sheep.  The Wiltshire Horn is a very old native breed and up until the end of the eighteenth century was the predominant breed to be found on the Wiltshire Downs. At this time the sheep were able to roam freely doing well on the poor terrain which offered little shade or protection. It is this background that has given the breed it’s hardiness and resilience. The Wiltshire Horn has a short fleece that naturally sheds in the spring leaving a short hair coat. The fleece will then grow again in the autumn to offer protection during the winter months.  The Wiltshire Horn produces a lean yet extremely flavoursome meat, prized amongst gourmets for its amazing taste yet succulent texture.